Status of the embargo | En cours |
Entity | Non State actors |
Organisation(s) imposing embargo(es) | UN & EU |
Restriction(s) | Conventional weapons |
Exceptions | Non |
The Islamic State and associated individuals or entities are subject to EU and UN embargoes.
The Islamic State and associated individuals or entities have been subject to the UN embargo since 2014 (Resolution 2170 (2014)). They are placed under a common sanctions regime with Al-Qaida and associated individuals or entities. Indeed, as of August 15, 2014, the sanctions applying to Al-Qaeda and associated individuals or entities and set out in Resolution 2161 (2014) also apply to the Islamic State and associated individuals or entities (Resolution 2170 (2014), preamble).
Since 21 December 2015, the Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee has been called the EIIL (Daesh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee (Resolution 2253 (2015), para. 1).
- Conventional weapons
The current sanctions regime, as detailed in Resolution 2164 (2014), which updates Resolutions 1989 (2011) and 1390 (2002), and reaffirmed in Resolution 2610 (2021), provides that :
- all States shall Prevent the direct or indirect supply, sale, or transfer to the Islamic State and associated individuals or entities, of arms and related materiel of all types including weapons and ammunition, military vehicles and equipment, paramilitary equipment, and spare parts for the aforementioned, and technical advice, assistance or training related to military activities (Resolution 2610 (2021), para. 1, c).
Moreover, Member States are called upon to undertake the appropriate measures to ensure that individuals and entities involved in the production, sales, supply, purchase, transfer and storage of “all types of explosives, whether military, civilian or improvised explosives, as well as to raw materials and components that can be used to manufacture improvised explosive devices or unconventional weapons (…)” exercise vigilance to prevent Al-Qaida and individuals and groups associated with them from obtaining, handling, storing, using or seeking access to all of these items (Resolution 2610 (2021), para. 31).
Individuals and entities subject to these sanctions are those listed on the ISIL (Daesh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions List established and updated by the ISIL (Daesh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee.
The UN arms embargo is indefinite.
The Islamic State and individuals and entities associated with them are also under EU arms embargo.
The Islamic State network and associated individuals or entities have been under EU embargo since December 2015. The sanctions imposed by the EU on Al-Qaida since May 2002 (Common Position 2002/402/CFSP) also apply to the Islamic State (Daech, EIIL).
- Conventional weapons
The current restrictive regime, as detailed in updated versions of Decision 2016/1693/CFSP and Regulation 881/2002, prohibits :
- The direct or indirect supply, sale, transfer or export of arms or related materiel of all types, including weapons and ammunition, military vehicles and equipment, paramilitary equipment and spare parts, to the Islamic State network and associated individuals or entities listed in Annex I of Regulation 881/2002 (Decision 2016/1693/CFSP, art.1, para.1 and Regulation 881/2002, art.3).
- The provision of technical assistance training or other assistance, as well as financial assistance or financing related to military activities and and to the provision, manufacture, maintenance and use of items aforementioned (Decision 2016/1693/CFSP, art.1, para.2, a and b, and Regulation 881/2002, art.3).
This Annex is regularly revised in order to, inter alia, reflect new determinations by the UN Security Council Sanctions Committee regarding EIIL and Al-Qaida. Please consult the Official Journal of the European Union for the updated version of Annex I of Regulation 881/2002.
The term “associates” should be understood in a broad sense, as this list also includes individuals and entities belonging to groups or entities affiliated to Al-Qaida, such as the Al-Nosra Front, or even totally independent, such as the Islamic State.
Individuals and entities subject to these restrictive measures are also subject to financial sanctions and restrictions on entry into the EU.
The arms embargo regime is not time-limited, as Decision 2016/1693/CFSP provides for a constant review of its provisions.
The Islamic State and individuals or entities associated with them are also subject to embargo measures by the United Nations.
Restrictions diagram :

Conventional weapons